Poetry by Mark Lawrence

I've no pretentions to being a poet. However, I do write poems. The ones listed below selected themselves by virtue of having been stolen and presented on the internet as the works of other people. I think if they're good enough for people to want to plagiarize, then they're good enough for me to own up to.

Sea Song


Cold fog comes seeking off the sea,

White entrails, frost-spoken,

And a slim-fingered wind, filching warmth,

These are the ocean gifts this day.


A wet beach, icy grit, salted driftwood,

The waves have counted here,

Counted every day and hour,

Whispered my life away whilst they,

With soft power, rocks devour.


Weed from the depths,

And a gull speaks memory,

High winged whiteness over dirt streets,

Majesty and distance, over me,

The waves and the gulls,

And the cold wind off the sea,

Lost in the fog – but I’m free.


This one wasn’t stolen but was made into a song – click here! (wolfmusic.eu for more)